How to Create Highly Motivated Remote Employees

Motivated employees weren’t that hard to create before the pandemic. In fact, working with your employees in the same physical space allowed for many advantages. One such benefit was that face-to-face interaction made motivating employees much easier.  

Since the pandemic, most employees have moved to their homes. As workers begin to conduct their daily tasks from their own homes, it becomes hard to keep track of their progress and motivate them to do better. Yet, it has become a necessity.  

Since we can’t bring all our workers to the office yet, we must strive to create motivated employees at home. For this, motivation needs to come from within. Remote team management is a much-needed skill, and here are some steps you can take to work on it today; 

  1. Understand the Shift 

Begin by understanding the shift that has been experienced by most employees. The post-pandemic atmosphere has left them scrambling for a sense of security. It meant saying “goodbye” to the older working methods they knew and embracing new ones.  

Managing remote employees isn’t just hard because of the switch to a new work environment. It has essentially taken away interaction from these workers. As they don’t get that team environment, it might be easy to slip into isolation and the habit of clocking in and out without any long-term goals.  

Since remote work is here to stay, it is time to embrace the benefits of adapting to this new development. One such advantage is less need for a work space. You can essentially manage a bigger team without investing in an office space. Use this to your advantage and build a digital team. Think outside the box and bring your workers together without needing a physical presence! 

  1. Use Technology to Normalize 

For your employees, nothing remained normal after the pandemic. Their lives and methods of working got uprooted. However, you can create motivated employees by providing a sense of normalcy for them. This requires efficient and intelligent use of technology.  

Many digital marketing and collaborative tools can help your employees regain the same interaction that they have been missing. In fact, digital workspaces are now allowing many employees to collaborate on tasks, much like in a real office setting.  

Managing remote employees is much easier when you allow your workers to feel like they belong. This is made possible through regular meetings and task hierarchies, which show them their role in the final outcome. You can also help employees mingle by creating events or team activities.  

Moreover, you could also let your employees return to the previous methods of recognition. If you have a bulletin board that displays employee achievements, try creating a digital one to motivate them to perform better. Keep coming back to individual employee goals and achievements. This creates motivated employees that are much more engaged with their tasks.  

  1. Critical Evaluations 

Just because your employees have moved to remote working doesn’t mean evaluations must come to an end. You can still critically evaluate the performance of your employees and define milestones accordingly. This is possible through interactions on platforms such as Zoom.  

Try to recognize employee talent, goal achievement, and effort. Highlight how these have benefited the business’s growth and outline what they are doing right.  

Since motivated employees need feedback, managing remote employees also requires you to step in from time to time and offer constructive criticism. Your input will be of the utmost importance to an employee who requires constant guidance for their personal growth. Once you begin to provide feedback, an employee might start to feel more appreciated.  

Since you are speaking from behind a screen and can’t depend on your body language to ensure nothing is lost in translation. Use a softer voice and specific vocabulary to put forth your criticism in a positive and more efficient manner.  

  1. Reduce Barriers 

One of the biggest barriers to company growth during the pandemic had to be a loss of communication. Remote team management is only going to get harder once you weaken those communication bridges.  

You might not be physically present with your employees at all times, but you can still establish healthy and clear communication with them. Try to put clarity first, and figure out whether you can communicate what you need.  

Motivated employees need to know exactly what they need to do to fulfill their requirements. The more confusion, the less motivated they would be. To optimize communication, try using collaborative tools to assign employee tasks at home! 

  1. Value Personal Space 

You must understand the fact that work has now entered people’s homes. The line between personal space and workspace is often skewed. Most employees tend to experience burnout as they feel like their office life trickles over into their personal life.  

The more you try to restrict employee time, the more frustrated they might become. Try to work on a task-based model and give your employees the personal space they need to perform their tasks.  

As you hire more remote employees, you must take that leap and begin to trust their abilities. Know that your employees will eventually perform those tasks in a given time. However, do not try to use text as a way to hover over your employees and micromanage their work.  

Managing remote employees

Create Motivated Employees Today 

Are you tired of remote team management and failing to generate motivation? If you are unable to find collaborative digital solutions that work for you, you are not alone. Many people around the world find it hard to manage their remote employees every day.  

The best solution is to optimize employee welfare and health and try to put their needs first. Involve them in team activities and have regular interactions regarding their long-term goals.  

Contact Top Notch Remote Solutions for the best digital solutions to help you manage your employees and make hiring motivated employees much easier! 

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